The old eagle, wisdom of the ages, his keen eye stares to the east visioning the key of the future mending of the sacred hoop or medicine wheel. | ||||||||
Pipes are crossed in peace to heal all nations. The people of the four directions blend together evolving into the brown female. She is symbolized as the sword of truth, razor sharp with reality, as held by blind lady justice. This dream blade of love directed by the eagle's vision pierces the heart of the white people and touches the red people. All peoples join hands as brothers and sisters as petty disagreements fade away. |
North- The White People East- The Yellow People West- The Black People South- The Red People The Brown People, our future Grandfather-Sun and Sky (blue) Grandmother-Earth (green) Participate: www.nativesunite.org 1-402-234-2727 |
We now become firmly rooted as one family embracing our mother earth, finally together as one. |